Dry Skin Brushing

I started dry skin brushing a few years ago and it has been such a game changer for the over all health of the skin on my body.People seem to forget that your skin is the largest organ on your body so taking great care of it should be a priority. I use to only dry brush every once in a while, but as I get older I have amped it up to a few times a week. This is an Ayurvedic technique that has been around for centuries. The benefits are endless and all you need is a natural fiber body brush that you can find at most wellness stores, Amazon, or even Whole Foods for less than $15.00. I love the Yerba Prima brand.Yerba Prima Skin Brush

The benefits include:

1)Exfoliates the skin.

2) Prevents ingrown hairs.

3) Increase blood flow.

4) Gives skin a radiant glow.

5) Lymphatic drainage.

Dry brushing has to be done on completely dry skin and it is best to brush in an upwards motion starting at your feet all the way up to your neck. I usually work on one body part at a time with quick aggressive motions. It is strangely very gratifying lol. Afterwards I hop in the shower with my normal routine and then slather on a body oil.

Voila…beach ready skin !

Rebecca Briscoe