New Year No Resolutions

I began this New Year with an amazing trip to Colombia with friends. It was my first time in South America but has been on my bucket list for a very long time. Nothing about taking this trip made any sense as far as timing but I knew in my spirit that I needed to spend my birthday doing what I love the most. Traveling. I stayed at an adorable boutique hotel in Medellin called The Celestino located in one of the city’s premier areas and then moved onto Cartagena where I stayed at an amazing Air bnb with a breathtaking view. This trip was so incredible that no blog post could ever do it any justice but there were a few highlights.

The Celestino is lovely and perfectly located. It is surrounded by a ton of shops and restaurants and had a great cafe attached where you can eat, grab coffee or a cocktail.

I didn’t get any pictures of my room but the decor throughout the hotel was beautiful with a great rooftop.

The Marquee Hotel had a great view and I ate a delicious tomato soup.

I took an incredible $20 tour of Comuna 13 in Medellin. This area was once considered the most dangerous neighborhood in the world at the peak of Pablo Escobar’s reign, but has been transformed into a thriving arts district with beautiful murals and local vendors.

Comuna 13 is famous for several escalators that the government built to allow for locals to navigate the treacherous infrastructure.

Lots of cool street dancers and food vendors. I had the most amazing empanadas.

There were so many memorable moments from this tour. The views, the art, the food, but most importantly the company. I went with a group of friends but our tour guide Esteban was so knowledgeable about the area and gave a very authentic tour of the neighborhood. In addition, the strangers we met in our group were two expat families living in Costa Rica with eight kids total. This was an INTENSE walking tour but these children all under the age of 10 were so sweet and well behaved. Never complained once! Definitely made me reconsider raising children in the US. lol

Next stop was Plaza Botero an outdoor museum with giant sculptures by artist Fernando Botero. The area also had beautiful architecture and interesting vendors.

Another major highlight was taking the metro cable cars. Locals take these to navigate the hilly landscape, but for tourists it is a great way to get a view of the entire city. It was cheap and took about 30 minutes to the top and back.

The Celestino was surrounded by awesome night life, amazing shopping and I even found the best massage parlor where I got an EPIC 60 minute deep tissue massage for $30 usd.

The Atma Spa gave us the BEST massages for super cheap

This vendor was a part of a larger market place that was open in the evenings. So much amazing stuff!!!

On my last night in Medellin someone recommended that I stop by this restaurant Alambique. I did not take many pictures but the decor was awesome and the food was delicious. These were some tacos and a fish stew of some sort. But be prepared to wait , they let you know in advance that the meals take at least 30-45 minutes to prepare.

After Medellin I flew to Cartagena just in time for my birthday! We stayed at an amazing Airbnb. This was the view from my bedroom and the rooftop pool.

Exploring the local Cartagena Life

For my birthday I took an insanely fun sunset cruise! I have not had that much fun in a very long time!

After the cruise I had a yummy birthday dinner at Baruco in the Old City.

The Old City is a must visit when in Cartagena. Day or night it is a vibe with the best shopping and restaurants. This is a famous building at the entrance called the Torre del Reloj

I also took a boat tour to various islands in Cartagena. I look peaceful and zen in these pictures but this boat ride was one of the craziest that I have EVER experienced. We nearly CAPSIZED and my friend sprained her shoulder and busted her knee levitating from the impact of a hard wave. I am not sure that I would ever do the boat ride again.

The last few days in Cartagena were spent exploring the magical neighborhood of Getsemani. I truly cannot articulate how breathtaking this area is. The entire neighborhood looks like a giant art installation with murals, and quirky architecture. I could be there forever taking pictures.

I have a thing for cool doors :)

These were just a few of the murals that I fell in love with but the entire area is covered with incredible street art.

It’s like a fantasy world….so much beauty.

The local artisans in the area produce some really amazing pieces.

What else can I say? I left my heart in Getsemani!

A few reflections as I enter this new year and new age! I feel better than I ever have and look forward to the future, even as I work to stay present and enjoy each moment as it comes. I did not create any New Year resolutions so to speak but I am restructuring my life in several ways. I am learning to stand firm on my boundaries, take more risks and put myself out there more. I am being more intentional with my time and really leaning into the people and experiences that resonate with my spirit. Taking this trip did not make sense for a lot of reasons but I knew I had to go and I have no regrets. There is only one life to live and this is not a dress rehearsal. There are no do overs. In this coming year I plan on working hard, fighting for the life I want, loving on my tribe and loving on myself. I hope if you are reading this , you do the same. Lets go!

Rebecca Briscoe